
Sabado, Pebrero 21, 2015


Who says valentines can only be celebrated with your loved one??
I bet you're wrong! I don't have a boyfriend but boy oh boy! My valentine's day is perfect! ;-)

I spent Valentine's day all for my loves! The Philippine Madrigal Singers. Well, some people might not know them but they are just the most famous choir in the islands or should I say in the world?hehe I love the way they interpret every arrangement with their heart.

I went with Micah:

And with some friends to the concert:

From the left Moi, Meme, Vina, Mikay, Jusela, Luz and Micah

And another one:

Sir Gleo
We had so much fun while going to the venue. They all joked out calling me "pastora" for my attire but it's okay I enjoyed my dress and had a real good time after the concert.

Had their autographs on a shirt! and Sir Mark's at the back.. :D
 And behold the members of the Philippine Madrigal Singers!

These pictures summed up all that happened that day! I'm so speechless! I bet you can see how happy I am in the photos.. :-D Thank you for reading! Ciao!

Miyerkules, Enero 14, 2015

Just a Glimpse

I don't get it! Some people say it is best to be in a relationship after finishing your degree, I'm okay with it when I was in high school. And now that I am already in college, they are now saying that when you do not experience being in a relationship, people will laugh at you. I am not in a relationship right now but almost all of my friends are telling me to be in a relationship. Like that was easy to be in a relationship in just a wink of an eye? I am not bitter, I just get irritated. I did have suitors, but when there comes the time that you have thought of falling in love with him, he then suddenly stopped so I'm all alone.

I cannot deny, I have been longing for someone who would care like a father, protect like a brother, scolds me like a mother and laugh at funny jokes like a sister. But where can I find him? He's nowhere. Maybe he's somewhere I haven't gone before.

I am not a choosy person so long as the man I have been looking for is also looking for me and loves me as I am. Yes, I want a good-looking guy, taller than me, a little bit chubby, and a fare complexion.

I want someone that I will have for the rest of my life none other than him. I want him to be the first and last man in my life. I don't aim to have a perfect relationship but I want us to live forever and stay in love with each other even until the time that my hair are all white and his head is all bald. I want to grow old with that man 'till infinity do us part.

I hope he's just somewhere out there looking for me...
And I'll just be here waiting...
We may not see each other earlier than what we expect but I hope he's the one, the perfectly imperfect one I have been waiting for all my life... :-)

Thinking Out Loud

"We found love right where we are"

We can always find love, where ever you may be brought, love is still there. Love is EVERYWHERE...

When you think you can't find love. Stop right there, sometimes we tend to be demanding of the things we want and look for more when you don't find something appealing for you and happens that you have overlooked what you have been looking for and before you knew it, what you've been looking for has been owned by someone else. I guess that is the nature of human beings, we tend to look for the better when the best is already in front of you. Look, just look and someday, somehow you will be brought to something worth waiting for...